Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Saving Money for More Ministry

Mike, our Maintenance Director, has been working diligently on saving Covenant Heights Camp money through energy efficiency and conservation in what is being called the Cut 90% Do More Project (Learn more, click the "About" tab above). These projects have the ultimate goal of cutting our energy costs by 90% which would free up significant funds for more "direct" ministry. I call it direct ministry here, because in reality, as we all know, you can't do ministry without heat, lights, running water, and other such necessities. That reality, though, is not stopping us from working to be more efficient and better stewards of what we have been given!

With that said, we want to celebrate a few of our volunteers who have given many hours and much expertise to camp in order to switch out all of our lighting ballasts. (Don't know what a ballast is? I didn't. It's a device intended to limit the amount of current in an electric circuit. A familiar and widely used example is the inductive ballast used in fluorescent lamps, to limit the current through the tube.)

This specific project was to switch all of the T12 ballasts on camp to T8 ballasts. This change alone will result in 43% savings on what we spend on lighting. We had a lot of people volunteering their time to help with project. Three that deserve special recognition are Arlie Lease, Jim Ramsey, and Jack Arnold who led the task of switching out 162 ballasts and 356 bulbs!

Thank you!

Want to Volunteer? Email Mike -
Want to Invest? Donate Here.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sealing it all up

In Longs Peak today we put spray foam on the walls in the crawl space. Now we have a R-16-20 insulation and an airtight seal. We will save money and Jesse and his family can stay warmer!!

Here is a cool link to see someone using it. Spray Foam in use

This is the best insulation for us to use, and we need a lot more!! *hint hint* We have a lot of work in the Dining Hall, Cabins 7 & 8, and Autumn still to do! This link will take you directly to the correct page if you would like to donate some!

Here is Jordan in action!
Excellent insulation, but you don't want to get it on you!